Spiritual Development comes in many different packages. You may be looking to receive answers to your questions, clear unwanted energies, or manifest something into your life. Or you may want to strengthen your gifts and abilities, deepen your connection to your Highest Self, or simply receive messages from Spirit.
Many clients just want someone to talk to about common "day to day" challenges, and just need a little energy clearing and focused direction to reset the button. Spiritual Development is different for each person, so each session is tailored specifically for what you’re wanting to learn or accomplish.
As an Empath & Intuitive Practitioner, I am here to help you to see and understand what may be holding you back. Once we pinpoint any energies that need attention, my Guides will work through me to offer healing solutions. This is the role that I play when you’re needing help to improve your life, and deepen your Spiritual development.
I look forward to working with you, and can’t wait to share with you these practical, easy-to-learn energy techniques, & powerful Spiritual Tools.
In Gratitude,

Quantum Energy Reading
Guidance, Direction, & Support
In this session we will connect with the Quantum Field and take a look at your Energy Body to see where energy may be stuck and where healing needs to occur. I will work with the Quantum Field, your Spirit Guides, your Highest Self, and my Team of Light to assist in healing any wounds or trauma, and help you to release any energies that you are ready to let go of. This will allow you to feel lighter, clearer and more focused.
Note: 1 - 2 Challenges you are currently facing
Have a paper and a pen to take down any notes
Be in a quiet and comfortable space
Hold the intention of receiving exactly what is needed for this session
Energy Exchange:
$111.00 - 30 min session
$144.00 - 60 min session

Guidance, Direction, & Support
Are you ready to Step Into Your Power and Activate Your Spiritual Gifts? By the end of your first session, you will be able to do an Intuitive Reading, and so much more:
Each time you book an Intuitive Development Session, we will continue to dive deeper into your Intuitive abilities and Psychic gifts.
Ground & Connect to Source, Read Energy, Clear Energy, Replenish Your Energy, Connect to your Guides, Connect to Loved Ones who have passed, Astral Travel, Channel, facilitate an Energy Healing, Manifest and so much more!
Have a paper and a pen to take down any notes
Be in a quiet and comfortable space
Hold the intention of receiving exactly what is needed for this session
Energy Exchange:
$55.00 - 30 min session
$88.00 - 60 min session

Inner Child
Healing Session
Pinpoint Trauma & Blockages - Healing
In this session we will take a look at some of the points in your timeline that have caused energetic wounding to your Inner Child. I will work with your Guides, your Highest Self, and my Team of Light to assist in healing any wounds & trauma, and help you to release any energies that you are ready to let go of. This session will give you a clearer understanding of why you have been experiencing certain blocks in your own life. The healing that will take place will allow you to move forward with a renewed purpose.
Note: 1 - 2 Challenges (physical, emotional, mental)
Have paper and a pen handy to take down any notes
Be in a quiet and comfortable space where you feel relaxed
Hold the intention of receiving exactly what is needed for this session
Energy Exchange:
$144.00 - 60 min session